Monday, February 15, 2010

New Blog!

Soooo... i thought maybe i should make a blog account to update everyone on whats going on in my life because there's so many things changing and im growing up so fast! I'm new at this so please don't laugh at how lame my page is! haha
Nick and I got engaged on Christmas of 09'! i was super excited and Nick did so awesome at picking out my ring! He did it all on his own and picked the ring out by himself! He must know me pretty well cause i don't think he could have found a better one!!

May 7th 2010 is the big day and we're soooo excited! We've done so much already and i'm proud of myself cause usually i'm a huge procrastinator! Mostly all we have left to do is decorating junk. And if you know me i think it'll be easy but i'm not too great at the creative thing! SO... its probably going to be the part thats the most stressful!
Nick and I got ALL of our pictures done in these past 2 weeks! Last friday we got our engagements taken and i swear im cursed because the weather was beautiful the day before and the day after but for some reason it was all gloomy and rainy the day we went to get them done so we ended up having to do it in studio : / i wasn't too excited about the in studio thing but after they took the pictures i realized they were going to be wayyyy cute! Saturday the 13th i did my bridals and it was soo weird to see my self with the veil on and everything! It all the sudden became so real that we're getting married in 3 months! I ended up having to do my bridals in studio too because of the stupid rain! I'm so ready for summer to be here already!
As far as the Honeymoon planning goes, its finished! and i'm most excited for that!! (i bet you can guess why ;) haha jk ) we're going to ARUBA on our honeymoon and i'm most excited for that! this is my first time leaving the country and i'm a little nervous but super excited!

well... i should probably be getting to bed and i hope you all liked my rambling on about my wedding plans haha i'll keep you posted on how all the other planning is going!!! I love you all!



  1. Autumn I am SO happy that you got a blog, and I can not wait for your wedding! Let me know if I can help you with anything.

    Love you!

  2. Glad to see you've joined the blogoshpere! I can't wait to read up on all the wedding plans. Having a blog is a great way to make sure you always have your camera and take pictures.

  3. i just barely realized you guys posted on my blog! i am waayyy new at this but Em... can you email your address to me so that i can send you an invite! they wont come until april but im printing all the labels!!

    Autumn :)
