Friday, February 26, 2010

Crazy, Busy week!!!

It's been a while since i've posted! i've been super busy! So i don't cook much, mostly because we arent in our house yet so im never home. but i baked cup cakes for my Managers birthday. Noooo, they dont look half as good as yours Emily but the frosting is to die for. so the recipe for the frosting is


1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
1 cup white sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream

In a small bowl beat whipping cream until stiff peaks form; set aside.
In a large bowl combine cream cheese, sugar, salt and vanilla. Beat until smooth, then fold in whipped cream.
This recipe makes ALOT i usually cut it in half

This week was the last week of Ben's high school hockey. they took 2nd place and did awesome! i wasn't able to go to the final game tonight because of the Beaver hockey game and unfortunately they lost :( Ben did get an awesome goal though in one of the games! Mandi my sister got an awesome picture of him scoring!

Another fun thing that happened this week was Ben's last science fair project! (i swear he already feels like a brother.....weird)!!! His was on how quick the brain reacts to hearing and seeing and which was faster! we put the project together in one night! but it did take till 5 o'clock in the morning!!! i was beat the next day! but here's the finished product!

Beavers had a hockey game tonight.... unfortunately they lost 5 to 0... Nick played pretty well we were just missing alot of players (because of high school hockey) it was a terrible game. The leader of the team Blake had some guys come after him tonight and got suspended for fighting (which was ridiculous because it was 2 guys punching him) it got to the point where i just wanted to leave. haha i had a few words with the guy that runs the league tonight and it paid off because they took off the fighting call on Blake! now he's only suspended for a game!

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