Tuesday, July 20, 2010

i love him!

When i got to work today i opened my computer bag to get my computer out and look what i found:
He may not do the Cliché things but the sweet things that matter most.
i can honestly say i have the sweetest husband in the entire world!

FHE at the Van Komen house!

Last night we had FHE at the Van Komen house! we ate home made sweet pork burritos for dinner! they were super good thanks to Shelby and Nick! after that We all went outside and the boys played back yard soccer (thankfully no one went through the fence this time!) and the girls and kelly sat and talked! it was so much fun! When it finally got dark we all sat down and watched a movie out back! it was so much fun! we watched Cloudy with a chance of meatballs! its such a cute show and we had so much fun!

Shelby, Ben and Kelly watching the Movie

Kathy and Matt pretending to sleep. only they really were faking!

The movie!

The hand puppets the boys had wayyy to much fun with this!

This is matt and Kathy having fun after the movie.

im sad we didnt get any pictures of Jamie, Jen, Chase or Ambyer! but we had fun with them too!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Today was a really good day! Shelby finished painting our music room! i'll put up pics soon! We had Star Wars sunday, and ATE! around 5:30 Nick decided to cook the EXPENSIVE crab we bought. the boys had way to much fun eating it and our counter was a mess after. it was shelby's first time.... as you can tell by his face haha

These boys had way too much fun together tonight! they played NHL and hung out and then we got in the Hot Tub! it was so much fun!!

Just a shout out! who ever wants to come over tomorrow is welcome to! its Family Night and we're eating Sweet Pork Burritos! They're going to be soooo good. after dinner we're taking a projector out back and watching a movie out side! So just text me if you want to come!!! hope to see you there!

look at my cute husband :) i love him

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I love them!

I can't even explain what these boys mean to me! they're the best friends i could ever have!
Not to mention Nick and I will have the cutest little babies ever!!! look how cute he is!

World cup party!

This last sunday we had some friends over for the world cup! it turned out to be lots of fun! except for the fact that holland lost! haha Spain played a really good game though! we went all out for this! we decorated the house (well nick did) haha they hung a HUGE Netherlands flag from our flag pole, hung orange flags from our rain gutter to the flag pole and they asked me to make a sign that said "go holland" for them... it really turned out pretty good! Nick and ben went and bought Orange baseball socks, orange basketball shorts and Bob (my father-in-law) pulled out the box of holland stuff and they were all decked out! we had orange plates, cups, orange juice and mountain dew (the orange kind.... cant remember the name of it!) it was a crazy party! lots of fun!
Nick and Benny out front!

Nick and Ben again. Ben got this shirt in Holland last month for the world cup!
Matt, Kathy and Tyler. Kathy wasn't feeling too good because she just got her wisdom teeth out!

Brockton and Tyler

Rjet and Tyler

Tyler and Choi

Braxton and Tyler...

Tyler, Nick and Matt
These two are getting hitched in about a month! soooo exciting!

our go holland sign!!!

Cody, Ben, Riley and Tyler ( sorry about the crappy quality! the window was no bueno)

brockton watchin soccer!
Nick and ben and their getup. (sorry its sideways.... i cant figure out how to rotate it)

Me and Tyler!

Nick and i just hanging out (i look soooo tired cause we were up till waaay late saturday planning this.)

Other than that we haven't been up to much. Our toy story room is almost finished! we're just doing the clouds on the walls and it will be done!! i will post pics on my next post.
Nick and i made a big purchase this last week. but its something that will last us for ever! i've played the piano since i was 7 years old and i was dying with out having one at our house so we came home with this:

I spend countless hours on this... (sorry for the inconvenience anyone thats come to my house!) We also have a new room mate! Shelby Clark is living in our basement now and its so fun to hang out with him and hear him play the piano. i wish i had his talent. he is so respectful and a very good friend to us!

Life is soooooo great! i couldn't ask for a better husband or life! he makes me soooo happy every day and i love him sooooo much!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July fun & even more!!!

A Lot has been going on in my life lately! and i have to say.... I LOVE IT!!! i couldn't ask for a sweeter husband or better friends! even though most of
them are guys (nicks friends :) )
We had an amazing
4th of July weekend! on saturday we did LOTS
of things! Nicks brother Matt had a food tent at West Point days. "Rocky Mountain Catering" they made pulled pork and Gourmet burgers! they were soooo yummy! it was good to see old friends there! so for a couple hours in the morning we went to the tent to hang out and help. later on that afternoon we had a BBQ with a couple close friends! Rjet, Shelby, Braxton, Choi and Benny were there! we ate shish-kabobs and burgers and the boys played NHL on the playstation. Im not a fan of the game but i LOVE seeing them
have a fun time :)
Benny, Braxton and Rjet Playing NHL!

Shelby & Nick cooking Shish-Kabobs

After dinner (and a couple of NHL games) we went outside to light fireworks! it was so much fun and somewhat dangerous.

I think we (Kelly, Nick and I) had wayyyy too much fun with the smoke bombs on the side walk! unfortunately it'll be there for a bit haha

Ben & Rjet lighting fireworks. Rjet looks like he really didnt want his picture taken :)

Shelby and Ben having waayy too much fun

Choi playing catch with someone like usual and Nick lighting something off

Ben & Braxton looking over his shoulder hangin out!
Nick about to light a roman candle

& with all of the fire fun ben decided he HAD to blow fire. i have it on video but that requires extra time and effort

ben spitting up flour still haha

& by the end of the night with illegal fireworks from Wyoming, Ben blowing fire and people shooting other people with bottle rockets the fire dept. got called and came to the house. haha by the time they got there we were pretty much done... they took like $5 of our fireworks ") the rest stayed inside for the 24th.... but im sure the boys will drive back to Wyoming between now and then!